For all students, parents, and guardians at the Swindon Academy of Dance.
Expectations in respect of pupils admitted to the Dance School.
The aim of Swindon Academy of Dance is to ensure that all students experience dance in a fun, friendly, positive, and safe environment. To achieve this, please take note of the following guidelines. We would like to stress that these points are of great importance in assuring the wellbeing of all students in the school.
Any student unable or unwilling to profit from the education provided at the school may be asked to withdraw from the school after reasonable notice.
Encourage your child to learn the rules of the school and perform within them.
Rules and Regulations
It is vital that students arrive in good time for their classes and please ensure they have been to the toilet before the session has begun. Always inform the Dance Teacher if you are going to be late. If students are late for class, they may miss vital information and will impede the learning of others and place themselves at risk of injury should they miss the warmup section of the class.
Regular attendance is extremely important. If students do not attend on a regular basis, then the development of the class and the individual student will be affected. Exam students’ attendance will be monitored as they prepare for their examinations and assessments and students who fail to attend classes and additional lessons may be withdrawn.
Students are expected to behave in an orderly, civilised, and well-mannered way and to show respect to their teachers when attending the Swindon Academy of Dance. Students should also show respect to other students in their class. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in withdrawal from the Dance School.
No Parent/Carer is allowed into the corridors or studios during classes.
Parents should wait in the designated waiting areas during class times or outside (Wilkes Academy)
Parents should not have contact with another student/child unless authorised by Swindon Academy of Dance or the parent of the student. Contact includes verbal, physical or virtual/electronic contact.
Parents should discourage challenging and inappropriate conduct towards teachers and other dancers by their child
Help your child to recognise good performance and progression.
Be realistic with regard to their ability and do not set expectations too high – It can be very damaging for children if they feel they are falling short of their parents’ expectations.
Discourage comparison against other dancers – Each dancer is an individual with different goals and objectives and they must be praised on their own personal achievement.
For all parents to uphold decisions and recommendations as directed by the Dance teacher.
For parents to support students to comply with teacher and class time expectations as set out by the teacher to not post messages on Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, You Tube or other associated social media of a derogative nature in regards to any student, dancing discipline or Swindon Academy of Dance.
Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated from parents/carers or other family members and could result in parent/carers or family members been banned from premises/events/performances or the school itself. Unacceptable behaviour includes – bullying, swearing, spitting, fighting and derogatory comments towards others.
Whilst at examinations/performances/events/festivals you are all ambassadors and representatives of Swindon Academy of Dance and we expect all parents and children to behave in a manner that is respectful and appropriate.
You are encouraged to fully support your school and the dancers within it.
Should any issues arise that are a cause for concern about your child, teachers or the school, please let Sarah know and we will deal with the situation appropriately.
It is extremely important that students come to classes dressed in full Dance School uniform to be able to work correctly and safely in class and present a neat and elegant appearance. We ask that all students come to class wearing a bun or headband for shorter hair.
Students should arrive already changed.
Drop Off/Collection
Parents/guardians are asked to drop off students directly before the start of their class and collect immediately at the end of class.
Personal Property
Students should make sure that they always keep their valuable personal items with them. The Academy regrets that we cannot be held responsible if items go missing.
Remuneration and fees
As per the Dance School Terms and Conditions, fees must be paid in full by the end of the first two weeks of Term. Failure to do so may result in withdrawal from Dance School classes.
Data Protection Policy
Swindon Academy of Dance staff members are not at liberty to enter conversation with or disclose any information to parents relating to other Dance School students. Student’s information is confidential and retained by the Academy in accordance with the Swindon Academy of Dance’s Data Protection Policy.
Visual and social media
SWA does publish or post images (static or moving) of students, across some of its online channels. Minimal personal information is published alongside images. It is the Parents responsibility to inform us if you wish your child/children not to appear in any photos etc.
We ask that all parents, guardians, and students ensure that they use social media and the Internet in a safe and positive way while on SWA premises, and while utilising the Wi-Fi access on-site. This includes the way in which the SWA is represented when posting, commenting, and blogging on SWA and non-SWA websites. Please report any concerns regarding this subject to the Sarah Watson.
Main Reception
Eating and drinking is not permitted in the main Wilkes reception area (except for water and drinks required for health reasons). All food and soft drinks must be consumed in the assigned waiting area at the Haydon Centre.
Health and Safety
Swindon Academy of Dance has a formal Policy and associated procedures on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, which can be accessed at
Please read this carefully to ensure you understand it in relation to the SWA. Acceptance of the SWA Terms and Conditions will indicate an agreement to comply with the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Parents/guardians are asked to refrain from looking through windows of studios when classes are taking place.
Students should always wear shoes when walking around the building and make sure that ribbons/laces are tied properly. Outdoor shoes are not to be worn in the studios.
It is important that students always keep themselves warm between classes in order to protect against injury.
Students should drink plenty of water and ensure they keep their energy levels up by eating a healthy snack in between classes.
If students hurt themselves in class or feel unwell at any point, they should tell their teacher or member of staff immediately.
Swindon Academy of Dance is a work place and respect must be given to all staff. There must be no running or shouting in the building or grounds of the Academy.
No smoking is permitted anywhere on the premises or grounds.
Fire regulation: if the fire alarm sounds, students must make their way immediately to their nearest available Fire Exit and meet at the far side of the courtyard.
No games are permitted in the courtyard where vehicles are constantly coming and going.
Parents/guardians must adhere to the SWA parking regulations at all times. Parking is not permitted before 8pm Monday to Sunday in the Wilkes Academy car park under any circumstances. The car park is reserved for Wilkes Academy staff, SWA staff and is not be used as a playground or a dropping off point or turning circle.
Parents/guardians are asked to drive with due care when dropping off and collecting their children from classes.
Children’s scooters, skateboards and roller skates must not be ridden/used anywhere inside the building or around the car park.
The SWA Code of Conduct will be reviewed on a yearly basis